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Experience in Student Government


our emblem


We carried out various activities that students were enjoyed in, and continuously improved the living quality of students. Also, we focused on solving the practical difficulties encountered by students in daily life, regularly collecting the suggestions, opinions, and requirements of the students, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the students who were living in the dormitory. Furthermore, we provided students' emotional counseling which could help students in mental health.

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all our members


I was a member of the Student Government when I was a sophomore and I became the vice president in Junior at Yanshan University. I learned a lot from this unique experience, for example: (1) Managed 200 people organization and took care of routine matters. (2) Organized many conference and events. (3) Helped to organize five big college events, such as Graduation performance and design competition.


group photo After event 


This is the most important leadership experience in my life. I learned a lot about how to organize a big team and how to make effective communication. After having this experience, I became much more comfortable to adapt to any new environment or work with new teams. This leadership experience made me very proud.

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