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​Internship in China First Heavy Industries

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The China First Heavy Industries provides major sets of technical equipment, high-tech products, and services for the steel, power, energy, automobile, mining, petrochemical, transportation, and carries out related international trade located in Heilongjiang Province, China. I started this internship in December 2015 and finished it in July 2016.

First heavy industries

numerical plano miller

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machining workshop


I worked as an engineer assistant in the factory for one month. At the beginning of the internship, I learned how to use the numerically controlled lathe, mill, grinder, hobbing machine, and boring machine. Then, I was trained to understand the machining drawings and improved the ability to enhance the design. At the end of the internship, I learned and participated in real Mechanical Properties test.

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This internship made me familiar with many different manufacture machines and how to operate them. I also learned how to test the products which were essential to reinforce my knowledge. I was glad to know how to manufacture a product before I could design it. Furthermore, the most important thing I learned was how to cooperate with other mechanical engineers.

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